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Food to Avoid when Pregnant

Women may get confused about foods to avoid when pregnant, as you are going to see several suggestions from every corner. In pregnancy, the food you eat is not only giving the energy for your survival but also for the development and growth of the fetus. Mother's food habits can negatively affect the baby leading to fatal consequences or other diseases after birth.

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Its time to take more care of YOURSELF!

The mother should be careful to follow the healthy diet prescribed by the physician and stay away from the food that can cause infections. Always choose the best quality food products, eat everything well cooked, and be aware not to eat anything that can have contaminated materials.

These healthy food habits are to ensure that the baby is born healthy, free from the consequences of diseases even at their adulthood. This article will illuminate an elaborate inventory of foods to avoid when pregnant.

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Food to Avoid when Pregnant

Be careful while you eat in pregnancy

The pregnancy period is the time you should be careful of many things, especially when it comes to what you eat. Being pregnant, you should never take the risk of food, as some of them are not suitable for pregnant women! You should know about the foods to avoid when pregnant beforehand, so as to delete them from the diet chart.

Take necessary precautions before you go behind your food cravings in pregnancy, because these food habits are also going to affect your unborn child.

1. Raw or undercooked meat should be out of your diet plan

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Raw or undercooked meat should be out of your diet plan.

You may love to eat the dishes having undercooked meat, but not in your pregnancy! You should eat the perfectly cooked meat and avoid any traces of the pinkish appearance on raw meat. The foods with raw meat come under the category of foods to avoid when pregnant as the tiny parasite content in the raw meat can negatively affect the growth of your baby

2. Don't include high mercury content fish in your diet

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Don't include high mercury content fish in your diet.

Consuming fish is a very healthy part of the diet as it provides numerous beneficial elements that support the well-being of an individual. But the fish with a high content of mercury may harm your body and thus, are counted among foods to avoid when pregnant. The toxic element, mercury. has a large presence in the polluted water bodies, it can damage your kidneys, nervous system, and immune system if consumed in higher amounts.

Certain fish like tuna, marlin, king mackerel, and similar fish have a chance of larger content of mercury. Replace them with low mercury fish like anchovies, tilapia, salmon, or other similar kinds of fish.

3. Avoid consumption of raw or undercooked fish while being pregnant

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Avoid consumption of raw or undercooked fish while being pregnant.

Many people are fan of seafood that are not thoroughly cooked but, in your pregnancy period, you will have to say no to this kind of food. Various infections can be caused due to the presence of bacteria, virus, or parasites in undercooked fishes, which may not only affect you but also your baby resulting in fatal situations.

4. Leave the habit of having raw eggs during pregnancy

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Leave the habit of having raw eggs during pregnancy.

Raw eggs have the presence of bacteria that can cause uterus infections in the mother's body if consumed during pregnancy. The infection in the uterus may result in premature birth or stillbirth. So, it is always safe to eat eggs after cooking it perfectly to avoid the complications.

5. Don't use unpasteurized dairy items or milk

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Don't use unpasteurized dairy items or milk.

Pasteurization is the better way to get rid of the bacteria present in the milk and dairy products without affecting the quality of the food product. So, unpasteurized products must be regarded as foods to avoid when pregnant as the bacterial infections may cause life-threatening issues for the fetus.

Just avoiding food that is harmful from your baby doesn't ensure a healthy pregnancy. Read our article on easy exercises for pregnant women to keep fit.

6. Raw sprouts are not healthy for pregnant women

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Raw sprouts are not healthy for pregnant women

The healthy salads you prefer may have large contents of raw sprouts, but you should know that it has chances of getting contaminated by bacteria. The humid nature boosts the growth of bacteria and cannot be removed by washing thoroughly, so treat raw sprouts as foods to avoid when pregnant.

7. Foods with high Vitamin A (liver) are not preferred in pregnancy

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
The liver and some of the foods with high Vitamin A are not preferred in pregnancy.

Multivitamins are always included in the diet for ensuring the health of a person, but this is may not be favourable for pregnant women. Liver products and similar kinds of vitamin-rich foods usually come under the category of foods to avoid when pregnant, as the high content of vitamin A can negatively affect your baby.

In the first trimester of your pregnancy, if you are depending on large quantities of vitamin A food - this will result in miscarriage or congenital malformations. Only lesser amounts of the vitamins in the form of supplements advised by the physician or any other ways should be taken by pregnant women.

8. Put aside your love for caffeine while you are pregnant

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Put aside your love for caffeine while you are pregnant.

Caffeine lovers are many! Everyone prefers any one item of beverage that has caffeine content. Higher levels of caffeine get passed to the placenta easily and therefore, are treated as foods to avoid when pregnant. The babies and the placenta have no mechanism to metabolize the caffeine, which leads to the increasing rate of the element there.

This can result in the restricted growth of the baby and there is a high chance for the baby to be born with less weight. If the baby doesn't have a healthy weight at birth there is a chance of infant death or may lead to chronic diseases in adulthood.

9. Alcohol should be avoided to proceed with a healthy pregnancy

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Alcohol should be avoided to proceed with a healthy pregnancy.

There is no uncertainty about alcohol coming under foods to avoid when pregnant. Alcohol is always unhealthy for people and it should be completely avoided in pregnancy. Consumption of alcohol can lead to consequences like miscarriage and stillbirth. Even a small quantity of alcohol can affect the baby negatively.

According to scientifically backed studies, several disabilities and health issues were seen in the babies born from the mothers who used alcohol during pregnancy.

10. Say no to processed junk foods in pregnancy

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Say no to processed junk foods in pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the mother has to eat nutritious food that can support the proper growth and development of the fetus. Several essential elements should be incorporated in your diet chart, even more than you usually consume. Processed junk foods do you no good as it has low nutritional values but the calorie richness leads to the excessive weight gain in pregnant women.

Eating junk food is not healthy as it can cause gestational diabetes in mothers, that can eventually create complications at the time of baby's birth. Satisfy your food cravings by sticking to food rich with proteins and healthy fats. Include more veggies in your diet.

11. Unclean fruits or vegetables are harmful to pregnant women

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Unclean fruits or vegetables are harmful to pregnant women.

Everyone is aware of the bacteria content on the surface of unwashed or unpeeled fruits and vegetables. They are contaminated with several microbes which are harmful to even healthy people. Pregnant women should not eat them.

This may not show sudden effects during the birth of the baby but can show negative effects while they grow up. It is always a good habit to wash, peel, or cook food items like fruits and vegetables. This will ensure that you reduce every chance of infection for the health of the baby.

Pregnancy is all about healthy eating. Follow these healthy eating tips to stay healthy.

Final thoughts

The pregnancy period is the most wonderful experience for a woman. However, it requires utmost care in everything you do, and guidance to avoid consequences. During pregnancy, the first concern is about the food that you can eat. Avoid eating any products that may put you and the fetus in any risk situations. There is no need to worry as many food and beverages are suitable for pregnant women with nutritional benefits.

Food to Avoid when Pregnant
Eat Healthy, enjoy the pregnancy period without worries.

But there are some foods to avoid when pregnant, for supporting a healthy pregnancy without any consequences. Veggies, nuts, dry fruits are perfect for a healthy diet in pregnancy, special care is needed to eat every food well cooked. This is essential as the raw food contains several bacteria and other microbial presence that can affect the development of the unborn baby.

Eat healthy nutritious food, avoid junk foods that don't give any beneficial elements, but only high calories harming your body, and enjoy the pregnancy period without worries.



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